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by Kevin Patton

A&P Professor SeminarsIdeas for Teaching Anatomy & Physiology

Simple Ideas (remote learning)

Simple Ideas for Moving to Remote Learning

Moving from on-campus teaching to remote teaching? Not sure where to start or how it can be done effectively in a short time frame? Not too sure about the technology? Here’s the simplified, essential message of the book Pandemic Teaching: A Survival Guide for College Faculty.

concept lists help students build conceptual frameworks

Concept Lists Help Students Build Conceptual Frameworks

Looking for a simple way to help your students recognize core concepts? Want to help them build the solid, meaningful conceptual frameworks that the constructivist approach to education expects? Running concept lists are an easy method to help students in our A&P course and give them a strategy to help them in their courses and careers.

Long-Term Learning

Long Term Learning | Five Strategies for Teaching A&P

This session explores five strategies that can work in any course to move student from short-term learning “for the next test” to the long-term learning they need to carry knowledge and application skills to the next course and beyond.


Student Success Supplements

This session explores a case study outlining the use of supplemental courses to help students prepare effectively for their first A&P course —and to improve their learning skills as they begin their first A&P course.

online lecture previews

Online Lecture Previews

This session explores the use of narrated presentations that can be accessed by students in an online course platform or regular website. A brief walk-through of the process of producing such a presentation is included.

Testing As Teaching

Testing as Teaching

This session explores the use of Respondus and your LMS to produce randomized online tests that operate as self-contained learning activities. Data on student attitudes toward randomized testing as a learning method and data on effects on student performance also are explored.


Student Response Systems

This session explores the use of the i>clicker student response system over a two-semester course sequence. I address reasons for trying and whether those reasons pan out (they did). Data from an anonymous student survey of 176 students reveals student attitudes as well.

Last updated: May 1, 2020 at 22:24 pm

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