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Give Your Course a Half Flip With a Full Twist | Episode 6

by Kevin Patton

TAPP Radio Episode 6

Give Your Course a Half Flip With a Full Twist

Quick Take

1:04 | New blood test for concussions
11:10 | Why the color of your grading/feedback pen matters
13:50 | Help yourself and others by subscribing to this podcast
14:35 | Featured topic: flipped learning in the A&P course

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1 | New Blood Test for TBI

10 minutes

The FDA recently approved a new blood test for concussions. How is the test used and what does it tell us? Kevin explains exactly which proteins are detected and how they get into the blood during concussion. A&P instructors are now equipped to answer student questions and to apply current clinical issues to core concepts of A&P.

2 | Why a Green Pen May Be Best for Grading Student Work

3 minutes

It’s a small thing, for sure, but the color pen we use for grading student work can have an impact on the tone of communication in a class.

3 | Please Subscribe

1 minute

Subscribing helps you and others stay up to date with the world of A&P teaching! And it helps other teachers find this podcast when they search for it.

4 | Give Your Course a Half Flip With a Full Twist

15 minutes

Kevin flipped his first A&P course in 2006, a year before the term flipped learning was first coined by Bergmann and Sams. In this segment, he discusses how he produced narrated slide presentations for student learning prior to lecture classes. Time in class can then be better spent on wrestling with deeper learning and problem solving. This case study may help you decide how to flip (or half flip) your own A&P course.

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Last updated: January 26, 2021 at 18:04 pm

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