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Supporting Returning Learners | Episode 9

by Kevin Patton

TAPP Radio Episode 9

Supporting Returning Learners in A&P Class

Quick Take

0:49 | Peripersonal neurons
11:57 | Daily newsletter
13:07 | Featured topic: returning learners

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returning learners

Life loves the liver of it (Maya Angelou)

1 | Peripersonal Neurons

11 minutes

Several areas of the brain monitor your personal space—also called the peripersonal space (PPS). The peripersonal neurons each monitor one small “bubble” of our PPS.

2 | Kevin’s Daily Headlines (Nuzzel Newsletter)

1 minute

Want a curated list of headlines of interest to A&P professors delivered to your inbox every day? Then subscribe to my Nuzzel:

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Update! The update newsletter has been migrated from Nuzzel to Revue!

3 | Returning Learners

16 minutes

Returning learners in anatomy and physiology courses often come to use with some anxiety. How can we support them?

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Last updated: April 14, 2021 at 17:25 pm

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