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How Our Students Address Us | Semi-Identical Twins | Papers & Feedback | Episode 44

by Kevin Patton

How Our Students Address Us

TAPP Radio Episode 44

Quick Take

00:43 | Right and Left, Oh My!
04:22 | Sponsored by HAPS
06:11 | Semi-Identical Twins
12:33 | Sponsored by AAA
12:52 | Sorting Student Papers
17:50 | Stickers? Really?
24:24 |  Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program
24:59 | Featured: How Students Address Us
42:43 | Hearing from YOU

Listen Now!

Get the full experience—listen to this episode’s Preview first (with additional content).

For once, maybe someone will call me “Sir,” without adding “…you’re making a scene.” (Homer Simpson)


1 | Right and Left, Oh My!

3.5 minutes

look right, look left

In Episode 43 (the previous full episode), I mistakenly swapped my “left” and “right” when describing situs inversus in a body donor from the 1800s. Oops. I corrected it later in the audio file, but the corrected audio may not play in all platforms.

This mistake does bring up how easy it is to get even the simple stuff wrong without realizing that’s what’s coming out of our mouth! Yikes.


2 | Sponsored by HAPS

2 minutes

HAPS logoThe Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast.  You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. AND mention your appreciation to the HAPS leadership while you are at the conference—or anytime that you communicate with them.

Anatomy & Physiology Society 


Kevin’s Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference | 2019 Edition | Episode 42

Check out Kevin’s workshop on Running Concept Lists!


3 | Semi-Identical Twins

boy-girl twins

6.5 minutes

Semi-identical twinning, where two sperm and one egg unite to form two offspring, both sharing 100% identical maternal genome but not sharing an identical paternal genome. Also called sesquizygotic twinning (a term not used in the podcast), there’s more to it than Kevin could discuss here, so check out the resources:

  • Semi-identical twins ‘identified for only the second time’ (plain English summary) my-ap.us/2WLupnS
  • Molecular Support for Heterogonesis Resulting in Sesquizygotic Twinning (full article from New England Journal of Medicine; includes diagrams and video) my-ap.us/2WPsBdt
  • Sesquizygous Twinning (NEJM animated video summary) my-ap.us/2WMVoPX

4 | Sponsored by AAA

0.5 minute

American Association of Anatomists

The searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) at anatomy.org. Their big meeting is in April at the Experimental Biology (EB) meeting in Orlando FL. Check it out!


5 | Sorting Student Papers

5 minutesaccordion file

A simple, inexpensive accordion file folder can make recording of grades (exams, reports, assignments) easier, quicker, and more accurate.

NOTE: If you have the free TAPP APP installed on your iOS (Apple) device, Android device, or Kindle Fire, then you can access the BONUS video that demonstrates this technique.


6| Stickers? Really?

6.5 minutes

stickersYeah, kindergarten teachers put stickers on student papers to motivate them. But this minimalist form of “gamification” can help motivate college and university students, too. Try it! It’s cheap and easy. If it doesn’t motivate your students, at least it will make your course’s culture a bit more fun and positive, right?


7| Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program

0.5 minute

NYCC Human Anatomy and Physiology InstructionThe Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is graduate program for A&P teachers. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in instructional practice, this program helps you power up  your teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program. Check it out!

There will be a HAPI table in the Exhibit Hall at the 2019 HAPS Annual Conference. Stop by and say hi!



8 | How Our Students Address Us

17.5 minutesprofessor teaching

A conversation with Mike Pascoe got me to thinking about different preferences we have for how we want our students to address us. Professor? Mr. or Ms.? Doctor? or just Kevin. As long as they don’t call me late for dinner, eh?

There’s more to this question than meats the eye (and ear)!

  • Some different takes on this:
    • Do You Make Them Call You ‘Professor’? | Why I began to rethink my views on classroom decorum (opinion article) my-ap.us/2WQFYue
    • Doctor, Professor or ‘Hey, You’? (opinon article)my-ap.us/2WMBFQD
  • Weigh in now (while it’s still up) on Twitter: What do you prefer that your students call you?

Need help accessing resources locked behind a paywall?
Check out this advice from Episode 32 to get what you need!

(If no link or player are visible, go to https://youtu.be/JU_l76JGwVw?t=440)

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

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To read a complete transcript of this episode,
click here.

The searchable transcript for this episode is sponsored by
The American Association of Anatomists.
American Association of Anatomists

Call in

Record your question or share an idea and I may use it in a future podcast!



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Snagit & Camtasia

Preview of Episode 45

Host Kevin Patton previews the content of the upcoming full episode, which focuses on the Fishbowl Model of homeostasis and other topics. There’s more… some word dissections, a lot of them, and a recommendation from The A&P Professor Book Club.

fish bowl


1 minute

  • Addressing the Professor |  Looking at the Ep. 44 Twitter poll
  • Concept list workshop | HAPS 2019
  • The A&P Professor: who is that, really?
  • Featured: the Fishbowl Model of homeostasis

Word Dissections

10 minutes

  • Homeostasis
  • Thermostat
  • Sodium (Na)
    • Natrium
  • Potassium (K)
    • Kalium

Book Club

3.5 minutes

Salt: A World History

Last updated: December 23, 2020 at 9:49 am

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