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The Nazi Anatomists – A Conversation with Aaron Fried | Episode 30

by Kevin Patton

The Nazi Anatomists – A Conversation with Aaron Fried

TAPP Radio Episode 30

Quick Take

0:40 | Listen up: feedback on accommodating hearing impairment
5:06 | HAPS is now a sponsor of this podcast!
6:36 | Update in epigenetics
10:07 | Handedness in cells
13:45 | Featured: The Nazi Anatomists (a chat with Aaron Fried)

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Want to listen to this episode’s Preview (with additional content)?

I never teach the same course twice. (Elie Wiesel)


1 | Listen up!

4.5 minutes


Feedback from listener Ron Parente leads to a discussion of how accommodating for hearing impairments and other challenges actually help all learners—not just those needing accommodation. Have questions, comments, stories, or ideas related to accommodating student needs? Pass them along for a future episode focused on this topic.

Don’t forget your homework assignment: share this podcast with ONE other A&P colleague before the next episode arrives. Yes, I do accept late homework.


2 | HAPS is now a sponsor of this podcast

1.5 minutes

HAPS logo

The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is now a sponsor of this podcast. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there.


3 | Update in epigenetics

3.5 minutes

Epigenetic inheritance is known to involve various factors impacting DNA, such as methylation. We are now seeing roles for RNAs, including the long RNAs from sperm than enable epigenetic inheritance via the male parent.

4 | Handedness in cells

3 minutes

chirality in cellsChirality is “handedness” or the characteristics of having mirror-image versions. You may be familiar with this phenomenon in cells, but did you know it also occurs in cells? New research suggests that a change in handedness in diabetes mellitus may explain how blood vessels get leaky.

5 | The Nazi Anatomists—A Conversation with Aaron Fried

21 minutes

Pernkopf atlas

Aaron Fried, A&P faculty at Mohawk Valley Community College and national speaker on human body donation and anatomists in Nazi Germany, joins Kevin for a lively discussion of the value of “the silent teacher”—the human body donor—in teaching human structure. In this second of two chats, Aaron discusses illustrations produced using executed prisoners in Nazi Germany and what this means for today’s A&P teacher.

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

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The searchable transcript for this episode is sponsored by
The American Association of Anatomists.
American Association of Anatomists

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elephant (anterior)Preview of Episode 31

Host Kevin Patton previews the content of The Elephant Episode. Yep, elephants.

There’s more…including a small bit of bonus content to make the full episode more meaningful to listeners…including word dissections and recommendations from The A&P Professor Book Club.


This preview is an experiment. Do you like having a preview? Do you like the “bonus content” that goes beyond a simple preview? Or has it ruined your life?
Let me know:


Episode 31 topics:

  • Mechanism of memory formation
  • What elephants can teach us about anatomy & physiology

TAPP app:

  • List of URLs of curated A&P media we can use in teaching, complied by Barbara Waxer

Word dissections:

  • pachyderm
  • integument

The A&P Professor Book Club has two new recommendations in this preview:

The Scent of Desire: Discovering our Enigmatic Sense of Smell
by Rachel Herz

by Richard Restak

Last updated: January 4, 2021 at 19:10 pm

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Jon Jackson November 8, 2018 - 10:53 pm

Loved the discussion with Aaron on his dogged review of the figures in the various atlases. That is truly one of his singular contributions to the scholarship in this area. Dr. Sabine Hildebrandt is someone who has literally driven this agenda from a philosophical and historical research perspective, but it has been Aaron, combing through numerous iterations of the various atlases from various authors (and doing his best to work with the publishers thereof), who has created an extensive catalog of which atlases show which alterations and airbrushing over the original Nazi iconography that resided in the signatures of the Pernkopf artists. Again — I agree with where you all wound up with the ethical discussion: “the value of an atlas as an instructional tool has to stand or fall on its own merit, but the historical significance of the HOW and WHERE and WHY that such atlases were created can and should be part of any instructional enterprise that utilizes those figures.

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Kevin Patton November 15, 2018 - 3:41 pm

Jon, glad you liked the episode! I always appreciate your observations. I agree, Aaron has brought an important issue to the attention of the A&P teaching community.

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