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Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching A&P | Episode 12

by Kevin Patton

TAPP Radio Episode 12

Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching A&P

Quick Take

0:47 | Microglia prune synapses to remodel brain circuits
6:50 | Kevin’s new online seminar on Long-Term Learning
4:56 | Featured topic: storytelling as a teaching strategy

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Microglial cell and filopodia

Multiple synapse heads send out filopodia (green) converging on one microglial cell (red), as seen by focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIBSEM). IMAGE: L. Weinhard, EMBL Rome

1 | Microglia Nibble on Synapses

6 minutes

New information shows that microglia nibble on presynaptic neurons using trogocytosis, rather than phagocytosis, to prune synapses during memory formation to help remodel brain networks. Microglia also induce postsynaptic spines to “reach out” to form new synapses with presynaptic neurons.

2 | Seminar on Long-Term Learning

1 minute

Kevin has a new online seminar on five strategies to enhance long-term learning in A&P courses. This is a digital reprise of his well-received presentation at the recent HAPS Regional Conference in St. Louis.


Storytellers dramatize their stories. (my-ap.us/2uvWkPe)

3 | Storytelling in the A&P Course

15 minutes

Kevin explains why he thinks storytelling is the heart of effective teaching, especially in the A&P course. He outlines the “storytelling persona”; making sure there is a beginning, middle, and end to our stories, applying storytelling to both lectures and the entire course, using drama, conflict and resolution, and other techniques.

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Last updated: January 6, 2021 at 10:32 am

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