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More on Eponyms in A&P Terminology | Episode 41

by Kevin Patton

More on Eponyms in A&P Terminology

TAPP Radio Episode 41

Quick Take

00:40 | Adult Brain Neurogenesis
05:36 | Sponsored by HAPS
06:17 | Finding Media for Teaching A&P | Adam Rich
10:42 | Sponsored by AAA
11:21 | Eponyms Again! | Mike Pascoe
27:58 |  Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program
28:39 | Personal Names and Pronouns

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Get the full experience: listen to this episode’s Preview first (with additional content).

The sweetest sound in the world is the person’s own name. (Dale Carnegie)


1 | Adult Brain Neurogenesis

5 minutes

A recurring topic in this podcast, here’s some recent evidence for adult neurogenesis in the brain.

2 | Sponsored by HAPS

0.5 minute

HAPS logoThe Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. Did you know there’s a one-day regional HAPS conference in March? Check it out. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there.

Anatomy & Physiology Society 


3 | Finding Media for Teaching A&P

Episode 28

4.5 minutes

Adam Rich sparks another look at Barbara Waxer’s advice in Episode 28 about finding and using media in our teaching. Barbara’s “bonus” list of collections has now been added to a new page at The A&P Professor website. And you are asked to contribute!

4 | Sponsored by AAA

1 minute

American Association of Anatomists

The searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) at anatomy.org. Their big meeting is in April at the Experimental Biology (EB) meeting in Orlando FL. Check it out!


5 | Eponyms Again!

16.5 minutes

sideburnsAfter recalling that in the previous episode, Kevin forgot that when discussing Broca’s massive sideburns, he could have mentioned that the term “sideburn” is itself an eponym. Then Mike Pascoe calls in with a tip and triggers additional conversation about how to handle eponyms in our teaching.


6 | Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program

0.5 minutes

NYCC Human Anatomy and Physiology InstructionThe Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is graduate program for A&P teachers. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in instructional practice, this program helps you power up  your teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program. Check it out!



7 | Personal Names and Pronouns

4 minutes

classLearning, using, and properly pronouncing students names is worth the effort to connect with learners personally and build mutual trust and respect. Likewise, introducing our own preferred gender pronouns opens the door for including the personal pronoun preference of student (should that be important to them) and can help connect with our students in ways that improve the learning environment.

Need help accessing resources locked behind a paywall?
Check out this advice from Episode 32 to get what you need!

(If no link or player are visible, go to https://youtu.be/JU_l76JGwVw?t=440)

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

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To read a complete transcript of this episode,
click here.

The searchable transcript for this episode is sponsored by
The American Association of Anatomists.
American Association of Anatomists

Call in

Record your question or share an idea and I may use it in a future podcast!



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Preview of Episode 42

Host Kevin Patton previews the content of the upcoming full episode, a longer bonus episode, on the upcoming HAPS Annual Conference in Portland OR. There’s more… some word dissections, and a recommendation from The A&P Professor Book Club.

Kevin's Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference


1 minute

The next episode is an updated, expanded, new-and-improved version of Kevin’s Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference. It gives advice and insights useful for first-timers, several-timers, and many-timers. Plus singing and dancing.

Word Dissections

5 minutes

Book Club

3.5 minutes

Make It Stick

Last updated: March 30, 2021 at 19:59 pm

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Jon Jackson October 6, 2019 - 10:44 pm

Hey! I left a recorded comment (not terribly out of line with what you claim to believe is reasonable) but one that clearly could place demands on students’ cognitive load — I would argue that a couple of names with some historical context is NOTHING like the cognitive load loss leader that it first year biochemistry to the typical medical school student in year 1.

I also loved your commentary on learning student names — this is something that I feel strongly about as well. For the past many years, where-ever I have been teaching, I have been the first, if not the only, faculty member to learn all of the names of the first year graduate students, or of the first year medical students. At UND, the 68 medical students were a breeze, as were the 12-15 first year grad students each year. Now, at BCOM in New Mexico, we have 170 first year students, but for the 2nd year in a row, I’ve learned their names (using some of the tips for memorizing names of structures you put out there on the blog). I bet them that I will get their name right, or buy them the liquid beverage of their choice. Never had to buy a Pepsi or a lemonade at UND in 16 years, and haven’t had to yet at my new gig. And the students, knowing that YOU know their name, and will likely notice if they aren’t there and giving their best effort, level up their efforts accordingly. Win Win — to the Cheers! phenomenon (where everybody —or at least one cranky anatomy & cell biology professor— knows your name.

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Kevin Patton October 8, 2019 - 1:32 pm

Thanks for the comments, Jon! Always good to hear from you. I listened to you voicemail and, also remembering our very brief conversation at HAPS, I certainly see your point regarding eponyms. I’ll be reaching out to you soon to set up a convenient time to record a chat for the podcast, because I think your perspective is an important one that needs to be considered as A&P teachers try to sort out how they’re going to deal with eponyms in their course.

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